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Since its inception in 1915, the Texas A&M Forest Service has been at the forefront of forest conservation and wildfire management in Texas. Founded as part of the land grant college system, it was the first state forestry agency to be established in this manner, setting a precedent for others to follow. Over the past century, the agency has grown from a pioneering organization into a vital component of the state’s response to wildfire and other hazards.

The Texas A&M Forest Service provides statewide leadership and technical assistance aimed at ensuring the sustainability of trees, forests, and related natural resources. Their mission extends beyond forest conservation to encompass a broad range of services designed to protect communities and enhance incident response capabilities. The agency’s core values—leadership, excellence, accountability, duty, and service—guide their work and underpin their commitment to both forest management and wildfire prevention.

The agency offers a suite of services designed to support both rural and urban land stewardship. These include technical guidance on forest health and management plans, educational programs on forestry and wildfire prevention, and direct support to communities through training and grants for firefighting equipment. Working closely with local fire departments and community organizations, they ensure that Texas is well-prepared to handle wildfire risks and other emergencies.

With around 550 employees across the state of Texas and approximately 10 stationed at the Reese Technology Center, the Texas A&M Forest Service boasts a skilled and dedicated workforce. This team is crucial in delivering the agency’s diverse services and responding effectively to incidents. A top priority for the agency is firefighting readiness. Staff training and simulations are conducted regularly to maintain high levels of preparedness. Daily briefings include safety updates and adherence to standards set by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, ensuring that the team is always ready for action when a wildfire strikes.

The Reese Technology Center, where a portion of the agency’s operations are based, plays a critical role in supporting their mission. Its expansive space is essential for managing heavy equipment and large vehicles, particularly during high fire-risk periods when additional resources and equipment are stationed there. The facilities at Reese Technology Center are integral to the agency’s operational efficiency and its ability to respond swiftly to emergencies.

As the Texas A&M Forest Service continues to evolve and expand its efforts, its commitment to protecting Texas’s natural resources and communities remains firm. Through its blend of historical significance, core values, comprehensive services, and state-of-the-art facilities, the agency illustrates a legacy of leadership and service that is as vital today as it was over a century ago.